SYLLABI: by Topic


Phillip Isaac Ackerman-Lieberman (Jewish Studies & Law—Vanderbilt University):

From Moses to Moses: Issues in Rabbinic Literature from the Bible to Maimonides DOWNLOAD Classical Judaism: the Jews in Antiquity DOWNLOAD In a Pluralistic Age: Jews, Christians, and Muslims in Spain, 711-1492 CE Jews in the Medieval World DOWNLOAD Jews in the Medieval World DOWNLOAD Introduction to Jewish Studies DOWNLOAD

Emanuel Adler (Political Science & Israel Studies—University of Toronto—Canada):

Becoming Israel: War, Peace, and the Politics of Israel's Identity DOWNLOAD

Edna Aizenberg (Spanish: Manhattan Marymount College):

Latin American Jewish Literature DOWNLOAD

Pierre Antcil (History—University of Ottawa—Canada):

History of the Jews in Canada DOWNLOAD Histoire des Juifs au Canada DOWNLOAD Contemporary History of the Jews in a Comparative Perspective DOWNLOAD L’histoire juive contemporaine en situation comparée DOWNLOAD

Yael Aronoff (International Relations & Jewish Studies—Michigan State University):

The Dilemmas of Asymmetric Wars DOWNLOAD Regional Politics, Cooperation, and Conflict in the Middle East DOWNLOAD

Dan Avnon (Political Science—Hebrew University of Jerusalem—Israel):

Language and Politics: The Case of Hebrew DOWNLOAD

Samantha Baskind (Art—Cleveland State University):

Modern Jewish Art DOWNLOAD Art and the Holocaust DOWNLOAD

Doron Ben-Atar (History—Fordham University):

History of Modern Israel DOWNLOAD Antisemitism DOWNLOAD

Alan Benjamin (Jewish Studies—Pennsylvania State University):

The Israeli Kibbutz DOWNLOAD Jewish Communities: Identity, Survival, & Transformation in Unexpected Places DOWNLOAD Jewish Civilization DOWNLOAD

Sarah Bunin Benor (Contemporary Jewish Studies—Hebrew Union College):

Jewish Social Research: Trends and Analysis DOWNLOAD Jewish Languages Past and Present DOWNLOAD Introduction to Yiddish Language and Culture DOWNLOAD American Jewish Language and Identity DOWNLOAD Identity, Community, and Service: Jews and Other Americans DOWNLOAD Introduction to Judaism DOWNLOAD Introduction to Yiddish Language and Culture DOWNLOAD

Lindsay J. Benstead (Political Science)


Jews in the Modern World DOWNLOAD History of the Holocaust DOWNLOAD

Russell Berman (Comparative Literature & German—Stanford University):

Zionism and the Novel DOWNLOAD

David Biale (History—University of California Davis)

The History of Modern Israel DOWNLOAD History of the Holocaust DOWNLOAD The Memory of the Holocaust DOWNLOAD

David R. Blumenthal (Judaic Studies—Emory University):

Jewish Prayer and Liturgy DOWNLOAD The Problem of Evil: A Social-Psychological Approach DOWNLOAD Modern Jewish Thought: Abraham Joshua Heschel & Mordecai M. Kaplan DOWNLOAD Judaism and Hinduism DOWNLOAD Biblical Literacy DOWNLOAD Jewish Prayer and Liturgy DOWNLOAD Psalms: Text and Countertext DOWNLOAD Akedot—Penitential Poems DOWNLOAD The Jewish Mystical Tradition DOWNLOAD The Zohar DOWNLOAD Introduction to Judaism DOWNLOAD Methods in Jewish Studies DOWNLOAD

Ibtissam Bouachrine (Spanish & Portuguese—Smith College):

Maghribi Jewish Women: Cordoba, Casablanca, Tel Aviv DOWNLOAD

David Brusin (Foreign Languages & Literature—University of Wisconsin Milwaukee):

The Book of Genesis: Where It All Begins DOWNLOAD Introduction to the Hebrew Scriptures DOWNLOAD

Jean Axelrad Cahan (Philosophy & Jewish Studies—University of Nebraska-Lincoln):

Water Security and Peace in the Middle East, the U.S. and Around the World DOWNLOAD The Holocaust DOWNLOAD Antisemitism DOWNLOAD

Raphael Cohen-Almagor (Law & Politics/Middle East Studies—University of Hull):

The Arab-Israeli Conflict DOWNLOAD

Harry Coverston (Schusterman Institute Israel Studies):

Moses, Jesus, Muhammad DOWNLOAD

Carla Damiano (German)

Culture and the Holocaust DOWNLOAD

Michael Davidson (Jewish Studies—Loyola Marymount University):

Zionism DOWNLOAD The Politics of Modern Israel DOWNLOAD The Zionist Idea DOWNLOAD

Geoffrey W. Dennis (Jewish & Israel Studies—University of North Texas):

Kabbalah: Jewish Mysticism, Myth, and Magic DOWNLOAD The Hebrew Bible as Literature DOWNLOAD Kabbalah: Jewish Mysticism, Myth, and Magic DOWNLOAD Israeli Identities, Israeli Society—An Interdisciplinary Social Study DOWNLOAD

Maria Diemling (Humanities—Canterbury Christ Church University—Great Britain):

Religion in the Contemporary World DOWNLOAD Judaism DOWNLOAD

Hasia R. Diner (Hebrew and Judaic Studies & History—New York University):

American Jewish History DOWNLOAD American Jews in the Postwar Period DOWNLOAD New York and the Jews DOWNLOAD Jews and the History of American Diversity DOWNLOAD Jewish Women in America: A History DOWNLOAD

Donna Robinson Divine (Jewish Studies & Government—Smith College):

The Shaping of Muslim Identities in the Middle East DOWNLOAD Islam and Middle East Politics DOWNLOAD Government and Politics of Israel DOWNLOAD

Idit Dobbs-Weinstein (Philosophy Jewish Studies & Religion—Vanderbilt University):

Contemporary Philosophy after Auschwitz DOWNLOAD

Samuel Edelman (Jewish Studies & Zionism) & Haim Shaked (International Studies—University of Miami):

The History of Zionism and the Creation of the Modern State of Israel DOWNLOAD Zionism DOWNLOAD

John M. Efron (History—University of California Berkley):

Jews in the Modern World DOWNLOAD

Carl S. Ehrlich (Humanities—York University—Canada):

The Hebrew Bible/Old Testament and the Arts DOWNLOAD

David Ellenson (Israel Studies—Brandeis University):

“Who is a Jew?” – Jewish Status and Identity in Israel and America DOWNLOAD Modern Israeli Sephardic Responsa DOWNLOAD Liberal Judaism and Its Prayer Books: A Survey DOWNLOAD Modern Questions, Jewish Answers: Modern Jewish Responsa Literature DOWNLOAD Personal Status in Modern Responsa Literature DOWNLOAD “Who is a Jew?” – Jewish Status and Identity in Israel and America DOWNLOAD Introduction to Judaism DOWNLOAD

Miriam F. Elman (Political Science—Syracuse University):

Politics and Religion in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict DOWNLOAD

Jonathan Elukin (History—Trinity College):

History of Anti-Semitism DOWNLOAD Abraham’s Children: Interfaith Relations among Jews, Christians, and Muslims in the Middle Ages DOWNLOAD Jews and Judaism in the European Imagination DOWNLOAD

Amir Eshel (German Studies & Comparative Literature)

Masterpieces of Hebrew Literature from the Bible to the Present DOWNLOAD

Rachel Fish (Israel Studies—Brandeis University):

Internal Issues Within Israeli Society DOWNLOAD External Issues Within Israeli Society DOWNLOAD The Arab-Israeli Conflict DOWNLOAD Kraft Seminar in Israel on Contemporary Jewish Life DOWNLOAD

Leslie Fishbein (American Studies & Jewish Studies—Rutgers University):

(Women & Autobiography)—Jewish-American Women: Contested Lives DOWNLOAD Race, Culture, and Politics: Blacks and Jews in America DOWNLOAD

Samuel Fleischacker (Philosophy—University of Illinois at Chicago):

Philosophical Issues in the Israel-Palestine Conflict DOWNLOAD

Morrie Fred (Anthropology—University of Chicago):

Israeli in Film and Ethnography DOWNLOAD

David Freidenreich (Jewish Studies—Colby College):

Israeli Popular Music (see link in Pedagogical Essays section)

Leah Garrett (Contemporary Jewish Life & Culture—Monash University—Australia):

Jewish Literature of Subversion DOWNLOAD Modern Jewish Literature DOWNLOAD

Jay Geller (Divinity School—Vanderbilt University):

The Holocaust: Its Meanings and Implications DOWNLOAD Jewish Animals DOWNLOAD

Geoffrey Claussen (Jewish Studies & Religious Studies—Elon University):

War in the Jewish Tradition DOWNLOAD Modern Jewish Thought DOWNLOAD Jewish Traditions DOWNLOAD

Gary Gilbert (Religious Studies—Claremont McKenna College):

Jerusalem DOWNLOAD Israel: Zionism in the Jewish State DOWNLOAD

Anat Gilboa (Israel Studies—University of California Los Angeles):

Multiculturalism in Contemporary Israeli Cinema DOWNLOAD

Norman J. W. Goda (Holocaust Studies—University of Florida):

History of the Holocaust DOWNLOAD How the Holocaust is Remembered and Represented DOWNLOAD Nazi Germany DOWNLOAD

Sol Goldberg (Religion & Jewish Studies—University of Toronto): The Holocaust in Contemporary Philosophy

The Holocaust in Contemporary Philosophy DOWNLOAD

Eric Goldman (Film Studies—Fairleigh Dickinson University):

Israel and Middle East Life and Society Through Film DOWNLOAD

Lenn E. Goodman (Philosophy and Jewish Studies: Vanderbilt University):

Islamic Philosophy DOWNLOAD Medieval Philosophy DOWNLOAD

David L. Graizbord (Judaic Studies—University of Arizona):

Jewish Mysticism: Its History and Principal Phenomena DOWNLOAD Historical Narratives of Jewish Identity: Israelite and Jewish Perspectives from the Ancient World to the Present DOWNLOAD Jewish Civilization DOWNLOAD Jewish Mysticism: Its History and Principal Phenomena DOWNLOAD The Spanish Inquisition DOWNLOAD History of the Jews: The Medieval and Early Modern Period DOWNLOAD The Jews of Early Modern Europe DOWNLOAD History of the Jews: The Modern Period (1750-1950) DOWNLOAD

Toby Greene (International Relations Politics Department)

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict DOWNLOAD

Henry Greenspan (Residential College—University of Michigan Ann Arbor):

Listening to Holocaust Survivors DOWNLOAD

Stephan Grigat (Jewish Studies—Moses Mendelssohn Centre for European-Jewish Studies—University of Potsdam—Germany):

Antisemitism and Anti-Zionism, and Theory and History of the Delegitimization of Israel DOWNLOAD 100 years of Middle East conflict: Israel and Palestine DOWNLOAD "Holocaust Education": Dealing with the Shoah in Political Education (German) DOWNLOAD Antisemitism in Austria (in German) DOWNLOAD Antisemitism and Anti-Zionism: Theory and History of the Delegitimization of Israel (in German) DOWNLOAD

Marc Grimm (Political Science—University of Augsburg—Germany):

Current Discussions & Trends in Antisemitism Research (in German) DOWNLOAD

Mark O. Hatfield (School of Government—Portland State University):

Jesse Kauffman (History)

Culture and the Holocaust DOWNLOAD

Günther Jikeli (Jewish Studies—Indiana University):

Antisemitism in Sociohistorical Perspective DOWNLOAD European Anti-Semitism from the Enlightenment to the Holocaust DOWNLOAD

Mark Frisch (Jewish Studies & Theology):

Perspectives on the Holocaust: A Team Taught Interdisciplinary Course DOWNLOAD

David N. Myers (History—University of California - Berkeley)

Antisemitism: What is It? DOWNLOAD

Vered Karti Shemtov (Hebrew & Comparative Literature—Stanford University):

Masterpieces of Hebrew Literature from the Bible to the Present DOWNLOAD

Martin Shichtman (English—Eastern Michigan University):

Culture and the Holocaust DOWNLOAD


Ann Arbor):

The Arab-Israeli Conflict, c. 1880-2016 DOWNLOAD

Deborah Dash Moore (History & Judaic Studies—University of Michigan

The Liberating Lens: Jewish Photographers Picture the Modern World DOWNLOAD

Peter Haas (Religious Studies—Case Western Reserve University):

Introduction to Western Religions DOWNLOAD Jewish Ethics DOWNLOAD Introduction to Western Religions DOWNLOAD Jewish Ethics DOWNLOAD Introduction to Western Religions DOWNLOAD

Yael Halevi-Wise (Jewish Studies—McGill University—Canada):

The Israeli Novel: Between Life and Fiction DOWNLOAD Israel: Literature and Society DOWNLOAD "A Sense of Place": Contemporary Israeli Literature in Translation DOWNLOAD

Rachel S. Harris (Comparative Literature & Jewish Studies—University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign):

Israeli Poetry: War and Peace in Israeli Lit DOWNLOAD The Arab in Israeli Literature DOWNLOAD Jewish Life Writing: Israeli Literature DOWNLOAD Jewish Storytelling: Jewish Short Stories from Around the World DOWNLOAD Love and Sex in Hebrew Literature DOWNLOAD

Rachel Havrelock (Jewish Studies & English—University of Illinois at Chicago):

Interpreting Ancient Israel in Modern Israeli Culture DOWNLOAD The Hebrew Bible as Literature DOWNLOAD

Michael Hayse (Historical Studies—Stockton University):

History of the Holocaust DOWNLOAD Holocaust Memory and Commemoration DOWNLOAD History of the Third Reich DOWNLOAD

Richard D. Hecht (Religion—University of California

Religion and Politics in the City: The Case of Jerusalem DOWNLOAD A History of Antisemitism DOWNLOAD

Kathryn Hellerstein (Germanic Languages & Jewish Studies—University of Pennsylvania):

Jewish Films and Literature DOWNLOAD Women and Jewish Literature DOWNLOAD Jewish American Literature DOWNLOAD

Jeffrey C. Herf (History—University of Maryland - College Park):

Nazi Germany DOWNLOAD

K. Hannah Holtschneider (Jewish Studies—Edinburgh University—Scotland):

The Holocaust in Visual Culture DOWNLOAD Jewish Christian Relations in Modern Times DOWNLOAD

Bethamie Horowitz (Education & Jewish Studies—New York University):

Israel Education in Flux DOWNLOAD

Motti Inbari (Religion—University of North Carolina at Pembroke):

Jerusalem in Time, Space, and the Imagination DOWNLOAD Fundamentalisms DOWNLOAD

Bernard Jackson (Law & Jewish Studies—University of Manchester & Liverpool Hope University):

Law and Narrative in the Hebrew Bible DOWNLOAD Law, Religion, & Judaism DOWNLOAD Theological Issues in Judaism DOWNLOAD

Sandra Jacobs (Theology & Religions—Kings College London—Great Britain):

Between the Testaments DOWNLOAD Body Image in the Hebrew Bible and in Second Testament Traditions DOWNLOAD Women in the Hebrew Bible DOWNLOAD

Jeffrey Herf (University of Maryland):

Antisemitism: The Old, the Modern and the New in European History and Beyond DOWNLOAD

Harriett Jernigan (German—University of California)

Israelische Literatur in Deutschland DOWNLOAD

Günther Jikeli (Jewish Studies—Indiana University):

Muslim-Jewish Relations in the 20th and 21st Century DOWNLOAD

Elisa von Joeden-Forgey (Holocaust and Genocide Studies—Richard Stockton University):

The History of Genocide DOWNLOAD The Holocaust in Film and Literature DOWNLOAD Perspectives on Genocide DOWNLOAD Approaches to Auschwitz DOWNLOAD

Arie Kacowicz (International Relations—Hebrew University of Jerusalem—Israel):

Negotiating Middle East Peace DOWNLOAD

Richard Kalmin (Talmud and Rabbinics—Jewish Theological Seminary):

The Talmudic Story: Aggadah as History DOWNLOAD The Development of the Concept and Rules of Shabbat: Shabbat in Jewish Law and Lore DOWNLOAD The Talmud’s Medieval Commentators and Modern Scholarship DOWNLOAD

Ellen W. Kaplan (Theatre—Smith College):

Homelands: Mythmaking, Representation and Debate in Israeli Drama DOWNLOAD

Stephen Katz (Jewish Studies & Near Eastern Languages and Cultures—Indiana University):

Contemporary Israeli Culture DOWNLOAD The Kibbutz in Fact and Fiction DOWNLOAD Israeli Film and Fiction DOWNLOAD Victims and Avengers: Readings in the Holocaust Literature of Israel (in English translation) DOWNLOAD Victims and Avengers: Readings in the Holocaust Literature of Israel DOWNLOAD S.Y. Agnon and the Jewish Experience DOWNLOAD Biblical Themes in Modern Hebrew Literature DOWNLOAD David: The Man and the King DOWNLOAD Guns and Roses: Jewish Responses to War and the Image of the Soldier DOWNLOAD Modern Hebrew Literature in English DOWNLOAD Recent Hebrew Literature in English DOWNLOAD

David E. Kaufman (Jewish Education—Hebrew Union College):

Israel: Myth and Reality DOWNLOAD

Carolyn Kay (History—Trent University—Canada):

The History of German Jews from the Nineteenth to the Twenty-first Century DOWNLOAD

Menachem Kellner (Philosophy—Shalem College—Israel):

The Many Voices of Judaism (in Hebrew) DOWNLOAD

Shaul Kelner (Sociology & Jewish Studies—Vanderbilt University):

American Jewish Life DOWNLOAD American Jewish Life: The Sociology of Religion, Race, Ethnicity, & Culture DOWNLOAD

Ronald C. Kiener (Religion—Trinity College):

The Arab-Israeli Conflict DOWNLOAD The Jewish Tradition DOWNLOAD

Brian Klug (Philosophy—Oxford University):

Thinking and Acting: An Introduction to Hannah Arendt DOWNLOAD Philosophy After Auschwitz: Ethics and Modernity in the light of the Nazi Holocaust DOWNLOAD Zion and Zionism: Conceptions of Jewish Identity in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries DOWNLOAD

Jeffrey Kopstein (Political Science & Jewish Studies—University of Toronto—Canada):

Jews and Power DOWNLOAD

Martin Kramer (Political Science—Shalem College—Israel):

Israel and Terrorism DOWNLOAD Reading the Map of the Middle East DOWNLOAD Political Leadership in the Middle East DOWNLOAD US-Israel Relations DOWNLOAD

Josh Lambert (Yiddish Book Center):

Jewish-American Literature and Culture DOWNLOAD Jewish-American Literature and Culture DOWNLOAD American Jews and the Media DOWNLOAD

Richard Landes (History—Boston University):

Honor-Shame: Middle Ages, Middle East DOWNLOAD

Ruth Langer (Theology—Boston College):

Israel in Jewish Theologies DOWNLOAD

Jacob Lassner (History & Religion—Northwestern University):

Jews and Muslims in the Islamic Middle Ages DOWNLOAD Conflict in the Middle East: The Historical Background of the Arab-Israeli Conflict and Events in Iraq and Syria DOWNLOAD

Rebecca Lesses (Jewish Studies—Ithaca College):

Jews in the Modern World DOWNLOAD Judaism in the Greco-Roman World DOWNLOAD Gender and Sexuality in Judaism DOWNLOAD Jerusalem: City of Faith, City of Struggle DOWNLOAD Hebrew Scriptures DOWNLOAD Hebrew Scriptures DOWNLOAD Judaism DOWNLOAD

Holli Levitsky (Jewish Studies—Loyola Marymount University):

Longing and Belonging: Literatures of Israel DOWNLOAD Israeli Literature DOWNLOAD Literature of the Holocaust DOWNLOAD Modern Jewish Literature (First Year Seminar) DOWNLOAD Longing and Belonging: Literatures of Israel DOWNLOAD

Richard S. Levy (History—University of Illinois at Chicago):

Understanding the Holocaust DOWNLOAD

Victor Lieberman (History—University of Michigan

The Arab-Israeli Conflict, c. 1880-2016 DOWNLOAD

Peter Lintl (Political Science—Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen—Germany):

Separated, yet Intertwined: Politics, Societies and Cleavages in Israel and Palestine DOWNLOAD

Joe Lockard (English—Arizona State University):

Magic Jews: Contemporary American Jewish Fiction DOWNLOAD Jewish American Fiction DOWNLOAD

Dagmar C. G. Lorenz (German—University of Illinois at Chicago):

Diaspora, Exile, Genocide. Aspects of the European Jewish Experience in Literature and Film DOWNLOAD

Howard Nathan Lupovitch (Jewish Studies—Wayne State University):

Jews and the City DOWNLOAD Zionism DOWNLOAD Jewish History from 1492 to the Present DOWNLOAD Jewish History from the Bible to 1492 DOWNLOAD

Maynard P. Maidman (History—York University—Canada):

Ancient Israel: From its Origins in the Settlement to the Babylonian Exile DOWNLOAD The History of the Ancient Near East DOWNLOAD

Linda Maizels (Jewish Community Relations Council):

Israel in the Eyes of the West: Parallel Narratives of the Israeli-Arab Conflict DOWNLOAD American Jews and Judaism from WWII to the Present DOWNLOAD History of Antisemitism DOWNLOAD

Barbara Mann (Jewish Literature—Jewish Theological Seminary):

The Culture of Memory DOWNLOAD

Millicent Marcus (Italian Language & Literature) and Maurice Samuels (French—Yale University):

Representing the Holocaust DOWNLOAD

Rick McCormick & Leslie Morris (German—University of Minnesota):

Place and Displacement: Transnational German-Jewish Culture DOWNLOAD

Ian McGonigle (Middle Eastern Studies & Anthropology—Harvard University):

Science, State, and Society in Contemporary Israel DOWNLOAD

Adam Mendelsohn (Jewish Studies—University of Cape Town—South Africa):

Jews and the Civil War DOWNLOAD African Americans and Jews from Slavery to Civil Rights DOWNLOAD

Meron Medzini (Rothberg International School—Hebrew University of Jerusalem—Israel):

Foreign Policy of Israel DOWNLOAD

Adam S. Meyer (Jewish Studies—Vanderbilt University):

Witnesses Who Were Not There: Literature of the Children of Holocaust Survivors DOWNLOAD Civil Rights and Civil Wrongs: Black-Jewish Relations in the 1950s and 1960s DOWNLOAD

Tony Michels (History—University of Wisconsin—Madison):

Modern Political History of the Jews: Socialism, Liberalism, Nationalism DOWNLOAD The American Jewish Experience: From Shtetl to Suburb DOWNLOAD

Joel Migdal (International Studies—University of Washington):

Israel: Dynamic Society And Global Flashpoint DOWNLOAD

Kitty J. Millet (Jewish Studies—San Francisco State University):

Holocaust and Literature DOWNLOAD Holocaust and Genocide DOWNLOAD 20th Century American Jewish Writers DOWNLOAD European Jewish Writers DOWNLOAD Heroic Tales of the Mediterranean DOWNLOAD Jewish Literatures of the Americas DOWNLOAD European Jewish Writers DOWNLOAD Heroic Tales of the Mediterranean DOWNLOAD Judaism: Religion and Text DOWNLOAD Kabbalah and Jewish Mysticism DOWNLOAD

Alan Mittleman (Jewish Philosophy—Jewish Theological Seminary): Jewish Political Thought

Jewish Political Thought DOWNLOAD

Deborah Dash Moore (History & Judaic Studies—University of Michigan Ann Arbor):

History of American Jews DOWNLOAD

Agnes Mueller (German & Comparative Literature—University of South Carolina):

German-Jewish Relations in Recent German Fiction DOWNLOAD Jews and Anti-Semitism in Contemporary German Literature and Film DOWNLOAD Jews and Anti-Semitism in Contemporary German Literature and Film DOWNLOAD Jews and Anti-Semitism in Contemporary German Literature and Film DOWNLOAD German-Jewish Relations in Recent German Fiction DOWNLOAD

Jody Myers (Religious Studies—California State University Northridge):

Israel’s History and Peoples DOWNLOAD

Maurice Samuels (French—Yale University):

Representing the Holocaust DOWNLOAD

Santa Barbara):

Religion and Politics in the City: The Case of Jerusalem DOWNLOAD A History of Antisemitism DOWNLOAD

Sarah MacMillen (Sociology—Duquesne University):

Introduction to Peace and Justice DOWNLOAD


David Patterson

The Holocaust and its Aftermath DOWNLOAD

Amir Eshel (German Studies & Comparative Literature) and Gabriella Safran (Slavic— Stanford University):

Modernism and the Jewish Voice in Europe DOWNLOAD

Karin Stoenger (Jewish Studies—Justice-Liebig University—Germany—and University of Vienna—Austria):

As if nothing had happened? Remembering and Forgetting Auschwitz DOWNLOAD

Joe Lockard (English—Arizona State University):

African American, Hispanic, and Jewish Autobiography — Remembering Difference DOWNLOAD

Inna Naroditskaya (Musicology—Northwestern University):

Mosaics of Israeli Jewish Music DOWNLOAD

Cary Nelson (English—University of Illinois at Urbana-Campaign):

Holocaust Poetry, Undergraduate Honors Seminar DOWNLOAD Holocaust Poetry, Graduate Seminar DOWNLOAD

Elizabeth Oldmixon (Political Science—University of North Texas):

Israeli Politics DOWNLOAD

Josef Olmert (Political Science—University of South Carolina):

Middle East Politics DOWNLOAD International Diplomacy and the Creation of the Modern Middle East DOWNLOAD

Ranen Omer-Sherman (Judaic Studies—University of Louisville):

Representations of Arabs and Jews in Israeli & Palestinian Literature & Film DOWNLOAD

Monica Osborne (English—Pepperdine University):

The Holocaust in Literature, Film, and Culture DOWNLOAD Literary Study and Jewish Literature DOWNLOAD Post-1945 German Film: The Holocaust, The Cold War, and Beyond DOWNLOAD

Zsuzsanna Ozsvath (Holocaust Studies—University of Texas at Dallas):

The Holocaust and its Aftermath DOWNLOAD Literature and the Holocaust DOWNLOAD The Holocaust DOWNLOAD

Tudor Parfitt (Religious Studies) & Nathan Katz (Jain Studies & Religious Studies—Florida International University):

The Jews of Asia and Africa DOWNLOAD

Ashley A. Passmore (International Studies—Texas A&M University):


Avinoam Patt (Judaic Studies—University of Hartford):

Israeli Culture and Conflict DOWNLOAD Israel: History, Society and Culture DOWNLOAD Responses to the Holocaust DOWNLOAD Modern European Jewish Literature in Translation DOWNLOAD American Jewish History DOWNLOAD

David Patterson (Holocaust Studies—University of Texas at Dallas):

After the Holocaust DOWNLOAD The Holocaust DOWNLOAD Emmanuel Levinas DOWNLOAD German Jewish Thought DOWNLOAD German Jewish Thought DOWNLOAD Studies in Anti-Semitism DOWNLOAD

Colin Pearce (Political Science—Clemson University):

The Modern Israeli State: Religion, Politics, Democracy DOWNLOAD

Derek Penslar (History—University of Toronto—Canada; University of Oxford— Britain):

Israel: State, Society, Identity DOWNLOAD

Rachel E. Perry (International School—University of Haifa—Israel):

After Auschwitz: Representing the Holocaust DOWNLOAD Visual Culture and the Holocaust DOWNLOAD Jewish Artists from the Emancipation to the Present DOWNLOAD

Bruce A. Phillips (Sociology & Judaic Studies—Hebrew Union College/USC):

Culture and Society in Israel: Inventing The Dream DOWNLOAD

Alexis Pogorelskin (History—University of Minnesota Duluth):

History of the Holocaust DOWNLOAD

Riv-Ellen Prell (American Studies—University of Minnesota):

Jewish Women in the United States DOWNLOAD

Michael Pytlik (Anthropology & Jewish Studies—Oakland University):

Archaeology of Israel DOWNLOAD Archaeology of Sacred Sites in The Ancient Near East and Jerusalem DOWNLOAD Written Tradition of Judaism DOWNLOAD Monotheistic Mysticism DOWNLOAD Introduction to Judaism DOWNLOAD

Gil Rabak (Jewish Studies—Oberlin College):

Introduction to Modern Israel DOWNLOAD Introduction to Modern Yiddish Culture DOWNLOAD Neighbors and Strangers: The Relations Between Jews and Blacks in the US DOWNLOAD Jewish-Gentile Relations in Urban America DOWNLOAD The Jewish People in America DOWNLOAD The Emergence of Modern Jewish Politics, 1848-1948 DOWNLOAD

Shay Rabineau (Judaic Studies—Binghamton University):

Walking the Holy Land: Religious Pilgrimage and Modern Hiking in Israel/Palestine DOWNLOAD

Gideon Rahat (Political Science—Hebrew University of Jerusalem—Israel):

Israel: Politics and Society DOWNLOAD

Sara Reguer (Judaic Studies—Brooklyn College):

Land and Cultures of Israel DOWNLOAD The Jewish Woman DOWNLOAD

Carol Ritter (Holocaust & Genocide Studies—Richard Stockton University):

Genocide Prevention DOWNLOAD The History of Genocide DOWNLOAD The Holocaust and the American Experience DOWNLOAD Religion and Genocide DOWNLOAD

David Lamont Roberts (Political Science—Tuskegee University):

Nuclear Weapons and International Security DOWNLOAD

Ira Robinson (Jewish Studies—Concordia University—Canada):

Concepts in the Historical Study of Judaism DOWNLOAD Issues of Reason and Revelation in Medieval Jewish, Muslim, and Christian Thought DOWNLOAD Israel: Religion and State DOWNLOAD Introduction to the History and Religion of the Jews DOWNLOAD

Nils Roemer

The Holocaust and its Aftermath DOWNLOAD

Dina Roginsky (Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations—Yale University):

The Kibbutz – Utopia, Reality and Change DOWNLOAD

Judith Mendelsohn Rood (History & Middle East Studies—Biola University):

Israel and Zionism DOWNLOAD

Aaron Rosen (Theology & Religious Studies—King’s College London—Great Britain):

Modern Jewish Visual Culture DOWNLOAD Thinking About the Other in Judaism and Christianity DOWNLOAD

Alvin S. Rosenfeld (English & Jewish Studies—Indiana University):

Literature of the Holocaust DOWNLOAD Understanding Antisemitism DOWNLOAD

David G. Roskies (Yiddish and Jewish Literature and Culture: Jewish Theological Seminary):

The Making of Holocaust Literature DOWNLOAD Modern Yiddish Fabulists DOWNLOAD Jewish Life Writing and the Struggle for Selfhood DOWNLOAD

Tammi Rossman-Benjamin (Languages & Applied Linguistics—University of California at Santa Cruz):

Israel’s Struggle for National Identity as Seen Through the Medium of Israeli Cinema DOWNLOAD

Shahar Sadeh (Institute for Israel and Jewish Studies—Columbia University):

Environment and Sustainability in Israel: Between the Local and Regional DOWNLOAD

Jonathan D. Sarna (Near Eastern and Judaic Studies—Brandeis University):

American Judaism DOWNLOAD Judaism Confronts America DOWNLOAD It Couldn't Happen Here: Three American Anti-Semitic Episodes

Brent E. Sasley (Political Science—University of Texas at Arlington):

Introduction to Middle East Politics DOWNLOAD International Relations of the Middle East DOWNLOAD

Paul Scham (Gildenhorn Institute for Israel Studies—University of Maryland):

Fundamental Questions of the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict DOWNLOAD Understanding the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Through Opposing Histories DOWNLOAD

Milton Shain (History—University of Cape Town—South Africa):

A History of Antisemitism DOWNLOAD

Judith Shemer (School of International Letters & Culture—Arizona State University):

Israeli Society and Culture DOWNLOAD Modern Israeli Literature in Translation DOWNLOAD Israeli Wars in Irsaeli Movies DOWNLOAD

Vered Karti Shemtov (Hebrew & Comparative Literature—Stanford University):

Reflections on the Other: The Jew and the Arab in Literature and Film DOWNLOAD

Ira M. Sheskin (Geography—University of Miami):

Geography of the Middle East DOWNLOAD

Martin Shichtman (English—Eastern Michigan University):

Fantasies of the Holy Land DOWNLOAD Imagining the Holy Land DOWNLOAD Jewish-American Literature DOWNLOAD

Helene J. Sinnreich (Judaic & Holocaust Studies—Youngstown State University):

The History of the Holocaust DOWNLOAD

Mark S. Smith (Hebrew & Judaic Studies—New York University):

Cultures & Contexts: Ancient Israel DOWNLOAD

Naomi B. Sokoloff (Near Eastern Languages and Civilization & Comparative Literature— University of Washington):

Literature of Emerging Nations: Israel/Palestine DOWNLOAD Hebrew in Song DOWNLOAD Jewish Prayers and Poems DOWNLOAD Introduction to Hebrew Literature DOWNLOAD Life in Israel DOWNLOAD Israeli Identities DOWNLOAD Literature of Emerging Nations: Israel/Palestine DOWNLOAD Jewish Prayers and Poems DOWNLOAD

Lihong Song (Religious Studies—Nanjing University—China):

Anti-Semitism: Past and Present DOWNLOAD Readings in Israeli Society and Cultures DOWNLOAD

Kenneth W. Stein (History—Emory University):

History, Politics, and Diplomacy of the Arab-Israeli Conflict DOWNLOAD

Gerald M. Steinberg (Political Science—Bar Ilan University—Israel):

Politics, Human Rights, and Civil Society DOWNLOAD

Kenneth Stern (Rosenberg Foundation):

Antisemitism DOWNLOAD Antisemitism and the Law DOWNLOAD

Norman A Stillman (History—University of Oklahoma):

Spain Under Islam DOWNLOAD Christians and Jews Under Islam DOWNLOAD Mideast Minorities in Modern Times DOWNLOAD The Jews Under Islam DOWNLOAD The Jews Under Islam DOWNLOAD Christians and Jews Under Islam DOWNLOAD Medieval Jewish History DOWNLOAD Jerusalem: History of a Holy City/Contested City DOWNLOAD Spain Under Islam DOWNLOAD

Raz Segal (General Studies—Stockton University):

New Ways of Contextualizing the Holocaust: Genocide in the 20th Century DOWNLOAD Central Concepts in Holocaust Scholarship: Critical Examination DOWNLOAD

Dr. Karin Stoegner (Department of Sociology

Antisemitism and Sexism: Historical and Social Constellations DOWNLOAD As if nothing had happened? Remembering and Forgetting Auschwitz DOWNLOAD

Asher Susser (Judaic Studies—University of Arizona):

Modern Israel DOWNLOAD Historiography: The Annals of the Arab Israeli Conflict DOWNLOAD

University of Vienna;

Antisemitism and Sexism: Historical and Social Constellations DOWNLOAD As if nothing had happened? Remembering and Forgetting Auschwitz DOWNLOAD


Idit Dobbs-Weinstein (Philosophy Jewish Studies & Religion—Vanderbilt University):

Contemporary Jewish Philosophy After Auschwitz DOWNLOAD

Adam S. Meyer (Jewish Studies—Vanderbilt University):

Black-Jewish Relations in Post-War American Literature and Culture DOWNLOAD American Southern Jews in Life and Literature DOWNLOAD

Santa Cruz):

Introduction to Jewish Literature and Culture DOWNLOAD Jewish Comedy DOWNLOAD Jewish Writers and the American City: New York DOWNLOAD Introduction to Jewish Literature and Culture DOWNLOAD Introduction to Jewish History and Cultures DOWNLOAD

Zbyněk Tarant (Near Eastern Studies—University of West Bohemia—Czech Republic):

Introduction to Israel Studies DOWNLOAD Antisemitism in History DOWNLOAD Introduction to Israel Studies DOWNLOAD

Bruce A. Thompson (History and Jewish Studies—University of California Santa Cruz):

Film and the Holocaust DOWNLOAD

Ilan Troen (Israel Studies—Brandeis University):

Conflict and Consensus in Israeli History, Society and Polities DOWNLOAD History of the State of Israel DOWNLOAD

Jeffrey Veidlinger (History & Judaic Studies—University of Michigan):

Jewish Memories, Memoirs, and History DOWNLOAD Antisemitism and Philosemitism: Jews in Myth and Thought DOWNLOAD

Mervin F. Verbit (Sociology—Touro College)

Contemporary Israeli Society DOWNLOAD

James Wald (History—Hampshire College):

Hating the Jews More than Necessary: Antisemitism DOWNLOAD

Felicia Waldman (Hebrew Studies—University of Bucharest—Romania):

Israeli Literature DOWNLOAD Yiddish Literature DOWNLOAD

Harold Waller (Political Science—McGill University—Canada):

Politics in Israel DOWNLOAD

Kenneth Waltzer (Social Relations & Policy—Michigan State University):

The Social Relations of the Nazi Concentration Camps DOWNLOAD Jews and Anti-Semitism DOWNLOAD Focus on Modern Jewish Experience: American Jewry and Israeli Jewry DOWNLOAD

Beth S. Wenger (History—University of Pennsylvania):

Rereading the Holocaust DOWNLOAD The American Jewish Experience DOWNLOAD Jews in the Modern World: History of Civilization III DOWNLOAD

Sonja Wentling (History—Concordia College):

The Arab-Israeli Conflict DOWNLOAD The Shoah in Memory and Culture DOWNLOAD

Mark Whitters (History and Philosophy—Eastern Michigan University):

Early Judaism DOWNLOAD Introduction to the History of Judaism DOWNLOAD

J. Edward Wright (Judaic Studies—University of Arizona):

History of Heaven DOWNLOAD The Apocalyptic Imagination DOWNLOAD The Apocalyptic Imagination DOWNLOAD History of Heaven DOWNLOAD

Azzan Yadin-Israel (Jewish Studies—Rutgers University):

Classical Jewish Philosophy DOWNLOAD Jewish Studies Seminar: Gender and Sexuality DOWNLOAD The Akedah: The Binding of Isaac and its Reverberations DOWNLOAD The Dead Sea Scrolls DOWNLOAD Jewish Society and Culture I DOWNLOAD

Tzach Yoked (Jewish Studies—Vassar College):

Israeli Media DOWNLOAD

Carol Zemel (Art History—York University—Canada):

Modern Jewish Art DOWNLOAD

Reuven (Ruvi) Ziegler (Law—University of Reading—Britain):

Israel and Palestine: International Law and Human Rights Issues DOWNLOAD

Steven Zipperstein (Jewish Culture & History—Stanford University):

Jews in the Contemporary World: Faith and Ethnicity, Vulnerability and Visibility DOWNLOAD Zionism DOWNLOAD Jews and the Russian Revolution DOWNLOAD

Laurie S. Zoloth (Religious Studies—Northwestern University):

Good and Evil: A Close Reading of Levinas and Arendt DOWNLOAD Reading Your Neighbor’s Scripture DOWNLOAD

Marcela Zoufalá (Prague Centre for Jewish Studies—Charles University— Czech Republic):

Contemporary Israeli Culture, Society and Religion DOWNLOAD